• Ms. Humphries

     2024 - 2025 Schedule


     AP Computer Science Principles
     3  Microsoft Office
     4  Business Ownership
     6  Business Ownership
     Computer Game Design / Mobile App Development
    Bitmoji Image

    All students should receive an invitation to class in their email. If you add the class after the first day of school, make sure to ask for the course code in class. 



    Required Signoff:


    Online Presence:

    Each student has a Google account and is expected to log on the first day of school.  Student Google accounts are hosted by the school district. They are in the format: first.last@k12.wcsdny.org.  This is a protected network. Logging in to Google Classroom with a home g-mail account will not work.
    Daily assignments and homework are posted in google classroom along with supporting documents, links, video, etc. Students submit all of their homework there as well. 
    Any student who can not log on to their wcsdny account successfully on the first day of school should go to Ms LaDuca at the Student Help Desk (Room 130) for assistance.

    Learning Objectives:

    In many high school classes, students struggle to find the connections between the content and their own life.  They might be thinking, "Why do I have to know this?" and "When will I ever use this?" That is not the sentiment in Business or Computer Science courses because the content is very practical.  Students use Business and Computer Science electives to develop skills for immediate use (like tech skills and public speaking) and to dabble in adult concepts that they can see themselves using in their near future (like budgeting, coding, and the law).  
    My goal is to create a learning experience that kids will remember for years to come. When they look back, I hope they will remember that the content was relevant, the day-to-day activities were interesting, they worked really hard, and they learned a lot. It's also my hope that they'll be thinking... "I rocked that course!" 
    Project Based Learning: 
    Each of these courses is designed with a combination of lectures and research, but projects and simulations bring the topics to life as students try their hand at making products and decisions in life-like scenarios, individually and in teams.  
    Contact Information:
    Students: All of my classes are in Room 149.  When I am not teaching, I am often in the Department Office at the back of the room. Please feel free to stop in whenever necessary.  If you need extra computer time, we can usually find you a seat during your break.  Need extra help? We can set up a plan. 
    Parents: I have a strong preference for e-mail.  If you would prefer for me to phone back, please leave a number and the best time of day or evening to reach you.  I am looking forward to working with your child. Don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.