  • Mrs. Aurigemma

    Hello Students & Parents,
    Thank you for visiting my teacher webpage! I am very excited to be going into my 18th year of teaching in Wappingers Central School District, and am looking forward to learning with all of the seniors who will be joining my classes this year!  Just as it's been in the past, all my students will have access to their class period's google classroom in addition to our daily classes in room 220. The google classroom codes have all been distributed in class at this point.  Students should check their class period's google classroom daily for our daily "Aurigendas," classroom activities, materials, notes, assignments & more!  For security reasons, only students with WCSD accounts will be able to join my Google Classrooms. However, parents are more than welcome to request parent summaries via email by reaching out to me at amy.aurigemma@wcsdny.org.  You may also log in with your students to view their classwork, homework, any missing assignments and current grades. Additionally, assignments and grades will be linked to Infinite Campus and parents and students can access up to date information on grades through their parent portal accounts.
    This year I am teaching DCC's English 101 & 102 through their high school concurrent program.  Those classes meet periods 1,2, 3, 5 & 7, in room 220. Each day, I am available by appointment before school, periods 7 and 8, and after school.  Students should speak to me before or after class, or reach out via email to schedule appointments. 
    It's been a pleasure getting to know all my students so far and I am looking forward to a successful and productive school year. Please feel free to reach out via email with any questions or concerns you may have throughout the year. 
    Thank you, 
           Mrs. Aurigemma 
    NYS Certified Teacher, English 7-12
    2007 Mt. St. Mary College Graduate
    2001 John Jay Sr. HS Graduate
    Go Patriots!