• Supporting All Students: Resource Guides for Scaffolding Instruction of English Language Arts and Mathematics

    The scaffolds in these guides can be adapted for use in any curricula and across content areas. While the exemplars were all drawn from the ELA and mathematics EngageNY modules, teachers are encouraged to customize the scaffolds in any lesson they deem appropriate. All teachers (e.g., general, special education, English as a New Language, and Bilingual Education teachers) can use these scaffolds in any classroom setting to support student learning and to make the general education curriculum more accessible to all students without interfering with the rigor of the grade-level content.

    How to Use The Guides

    The provision of scaffolds should be thoughtfully planned as to not isolate or identify any student or group of students as being “different” or requiring additional support. Therefore, in the spirit of inclusive and culturally responsive classrooms, the following is suggested:
     • Make scaffolded worksheets or activities available to all students.
     • Heterogeneously group students for group activities when appropriate.
     • Provide ELLs/MLLs with opportunities to utilize their home language knowledge and skills in the context
        of the learning environment.
     • Make individualized supports or adapted materials available without emphasizing the difference.
     • Consistently and thoughtfully use technology to make materials more accessible to all students.  
