Bradley-Spagna, Michelle - Special Education
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- Roy C. Ketcham High School
- ELA Intensive Instruction
SC- Intensive Instruction ELA Syllabus
Mrs. Bradley/Mrs. Kodnia
Mrs. Mahon
Welcome to Intensive Instruction ELA. I hope you will bring all of your previous experiences and insights, as well as a true love of reading and writing, into this class. In this course you will practice and improve your skills as readers, writers and thinkers, as well as be exposed to important literature from a variety of genres. The focus of this class is to improve your student achievement through consistent practice and reinforcement of reading and writing skills. You will build connections from your existing funds of knowledge to new strategies. The NYS ELA Regents Common Core exam will be administered when you are in your Junior year.
You will be exposed to various genres of literature, and you will practice writing narrative, persuasive and argumentative pieces. In addition, you will expand upon your research skills to compose an essay, called a Passion Project. What better way to find out more information on something you are passionate about? Remember, reading and writing can be very enjoyable and will last for a lifetime!
Topics to be covered:
Topics to be covered:
- Short Stories (Elements of Fiction)
- The Chaser – John Collier
- The Veldt – Ray Bradbury
- All Summer in A Day – Ray Bradbury
- The Chaser – John Collier
- The Open Window - Saki
- Novel : Tuck Everlasting -
- What if you could live forever? Natalie Babbitt explores this question in her novel, Tuck Everlasting. The characters in this story wrestle with this question.
- Tragic Poem: Romeo and Juliet
- Short Stories (Elements of Fiction)
- Engaging critically with texts using personal experiences
- Responding to and composing texts that explore personal, social and world issues.
- Using individual and collaborative skills in the learning process
Grades are calculated on a whole points grading system.
~Classwork Assignments
~Quizzes – Spelling/Vocabulary – EACH WEEK
~HOMEWORK- EACH NIGHT you will have a Spelling/Vocabulary assignment-EXCEPT FRIDAY, WHICH WILL BE THE QUIZ
~Writing/Projects – Each quarter students will need to complete a culminating project
Late Work Policy
A student who is absent for any reason will be given the opportunity to make up the missed work, and will receive credit for any made-up work. YOU are responsible for getting any missed work.
* If you are absent for a test, it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to speak to me for information. You are then expected to take the test/quiz during a free period.
Attendance is mandatory for success. Not only will you be acquiring academic skills to be a successful student, but you will also strive to achieve those “soft skills” that society expects you to be a successful person. You must be willing to put in the extra effort needed to achieve this. I expect you to accept responsibility for your choices regarding behavior and priorities and to develop and maintain a work ethic that will enable you to be successful.
Please note that ATTENDANCE is a critical part of your grade. Chronic absences or failure to get to class on time can be a detriment to your grades. Having a positive attitude, showing effort and maintaining appropriate behavior is necessary to attain success in the class.
Please talk to Mrs. Bradley in private about any concerns you may have regarding the class.