Gscheidle, Melissa
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- Van Wyck Junior High School
- 8th Grade Exploratory Music Syllabus
8th Grade Exploratory Music
melissa.gscheidle@wcsdny.orgWelcome to 8th grade exploratory music! In this 10 week course we will be covering a variety of topics including basic piano and jazz/blues. I am looking forward to working with you this quarter.
Beginning piano skills: This will be the main focus of the course. We will be performing simple piano melodies and learning chords for various songs. Each student will be using an electric piano during class.
I ask that students have a pair of headphones (ear buds are fine) so they can practice silently and independently.Practice: This course contains a lot of independent practice time. While all students will progress at the piano at their own pace, each student is expected to use practice time wisely and treat the instrument with respect. We will be discussing specific expectations and practice techniques throughout the quarter.
Jazz/Blues: We will be listening to and identifying a variety of jazz pieces in various styles. We will also be discussing the historical aspects of the jazz age in America and its impact on society.
Project: Each student is require to create a project on a jazz or blues topic. It can be a poster or PowerPoint presentation. Specific information will be given during the second week of the quarter!
(1) 2-pocket folder
a pencil
a small pair of headphones (optional) to be used for keyboard practice
Grading: Grading will be based upon the following criteria:
Piano Skills/Participation
30 %
20 %
10 %
Final Exam
15 %
Please review this information with your child. Sign and return the bottom portion by Thursday Nov. 20th for a 100% as your first classwork grade. Please feel free to call or e-mail me with any questions or concerns. I look forward to a great quarter!
Sincerely,Ms. Gscheidle
Student Name:__________________________________Parent/Guardian Name:________________________________
Home Phone:_________________________________E-mail:______________________________________________
My child and I understand the criteria and requirements for 8th grade exploratory music.
Student Signature:_______________________________Parent/Guardian Signature:_____________________________