Gscheidle, Melissa
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- Van Wyck Junior High School
- 7th Grade General Music Syllabus
7th Grade General Music
Welcome to general music! In this 10 week course we will be covering a variety of topics including music notation, rhythms, and African percussion instruments. I am looking forward to working with you this quarter.
Class Participation: Your participation in general music accounts for a large part of your grade. Participation will be based on class discussions and other activities such as performing on rhythmic instruments. This ten week course is a performance-based class.
Classwork/Evaluations: We will be learning about music notation, note reading, performing rhythms, and playing multiple part rhythmic patterns. There will be graded worksheets as well as performance grades in this course.
Project: Each student is require to create a music project. It can be a model of an instrument, poster of an artist/group/composer, or a video project. Specific information will be given during the second week of the quarter!
(1) 2-pocket folder
a pencil
Grading: Grading will be based upon the following criteria
Classwork and Evaluations
40 %
30 %
15 %
Final Exam
15 %
Please review this information with your child. Sign and return the bottom portion by Thursday Nov. 20th for a 100% as your first classwork grade. Please feel free to call or e-mail me with any questions or concerns. I look forward to a great quarter!
Ms. Gscheidle
Student Name:______________________________Parent/Guardian Name:_____________________________
Home Phone:_______________________________E-mail:__________________________________________
My child and I understand the criteria and requirements for 7th grade general music.
Student Signature:_________________________Parent/Guardian Signature:____________________________