• Contact the Health Office

    The Health Office is located on the first floor, across the hall from Room 107.  Two full-time registered nurses and a part-time secretary trained in first aid staff the Health Office.  The Health Office is opened during school hours 7:25 - 2:25. The Health Office provides the following services:

    • first-aid care to students who are injured or ill while under school supervision.
    • maintenance of health records for each student.
    • notifies parents of any apparent physical abnormality.
    • assists doctors in the administration of health examinations.
    • administering of medications ordered by the student's physician.
    • conducts mandated NYS screening if not provided/performed by private physician.


    Mrs. Perez      Jennifer.Perez@wcsdny.org     845-227-1700 x20014
    Mrs. Dragonetti     Dawn.Dragonetti@wcsdny.org  845-227-1700 x20013

    Health Office Fax - 227-1703