Ropes, Charles - Science
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- Roy C. Ketcham High School
- Homework
Homework will be assigned on a weekly basis using an Internet based service called WebAssign ( The homework questions will primarily be given from the textbook, Glencoe Physics, Principles and Problems, Zitzewietz, 1999 (Regents), Physics, Cutnell & Johnson, Wiley, 2007 (Honors), and past Regents exams.A class will be scheduled once a week in the computer lab for students to work on their homework. Additional time may also be offered inclass when appropriate. Students will be required to submit their homework through WebAssign except in cases where a computer is not readily accessible at home. Under these circumstances, students will be required to print out and hand in their homework separately. Students may also be requested to submit a hard copy of their homework that shows the steps necessary to arrive at a solution. Homework is due on the due date. Extensions will only be given under extenuating circumstances.
The following documents will provide some information on how WebAssign can be used most effectively by students. Note that although the second document is specific to the Honors class, much of what is written applies to the Regents class as well: