- Wappingers Junior High School
- Modified Cross Country
Modified Cross Country Team
School Year 2024-2025
Virtual Informational Meeting: Friday, Sept 6th (@6:00pm)
First Practice: Monday, Sept 9th (2:30pm -4pm) All athletes will need a ride home from a parent/ guardian on Mondays/ Fridays
What is Cross Country?
Cross Country is an endurance sport that focuses on long distance running that tests individuals both physically and mentally. A Cross Country team is usually made up of seven (7) or more runners who try to score the top places as quickly as possible. Only five (5) runners can score points for their team but the other team members can help to displace other teams to improve their chances of winning. This sport can be challenging because most young athletes are not conditioned for longer endurance running. However, this doesn't prevent new athletes from improving their personal goals and having a great time.
All Cross Country runners meet in the technology wing at the beginning of practice everyday. The coach will explain the expectations of the day and give feedback on a runners performance. The team will complete a warm-up routine that consists of jogging, dynamic stretching and recovery drills. Afterwards, the team will receive their assignments for practice. Depending on a runner's abilities, the coach will alter the practice to meet that individuals needs. Cross Country practices happen on the Wappingers Junior High School grounds and usually stay within a specific section for the duration of that day.
When are practices?
Modified Cross Country practices are held Mondays - Friday from 2:30- 3:45pm. Fridays are considered cross training days to help with recovery. Cross training day is practice that involves movement other than running (examples- walking, hiking, bike rides, basketball, weightlifting, etc).
Where is practice held?
Runners will meet in the technology wing of WJHS at the beginning of practice. Athletes should go to the gymnasium locker room to change into their running outfits after their zone has been dismissed (not earlier). Athletes should also bring their belongings and a water bottle to practice. Cross Country runners are expected to stay on school grounds during practice and will not be expected to run off school grounds. Only high school runners will leave school property for practice.
What can I expect during practices?
Expect a lot of running. The key to improving your skills as a runner is by practicing consistently and challenging your body. Practices will always have a warm-up, stretches elements, a specific goal and finally a cool-down. We build in water breaks based on the intensity of the day. Safety the primary concern every practice. Healthy habits play a huge part to staying safe; from appropriate clothing, to good hydration and comfortable running shoes.
What equipment will I need?
-Comfortable clothing (dependent on the weather)
-Running Shoes: No Metal Spikes
-Water, Water, Water!!!!
-Team uniform for meets
-Change of clothes after practices/ games
Is there Transportation?
There is after-school transportation on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays at 4pm. All athletes are expected to have a ride home after practice on Mondays and Fridays. There will always be transportation for athletes from WJHS to the meet/game. When we have a meet at WJHS or Van Wyck (In-District) there will NOT be transportation home. Parents are expected to pick-up their child when a meet is In-District. When we have away meets (Out-Of-District), the district will provide transportation back to WJHS for parent pick-up.

ScheduleGalaxy: 2024-2025 Meet Schedule
All Modified Cross Country meets/games can be found in the link provided. This schedule is subject to change based on weather, transportation and other factors. I will do my best to provide you with up-to-date information as soon as I am made aware.
Any changes will be identified through dismissal announcements, Google classroom and/or parent email. Please be understanding because I also teach throughout the school day.