• Adolescent LGBT Group-We are pleased to inform all that the Southern Dutchess Behavioral Group has formed an Adolescent LGBT Group led by Mr. Jose Vasquez, LCSW-R.  We are accepting new members.  This is an educational/support group which will run every Tuesday from 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm.  For more information, please contact us at 845-632-2939 or dutchessbehavioral@gmail.com.
    Peer Tutoring-Are you GREAT in Math?  Do you ROCK in Science?  Do you want to volunteer to help a fellow student out?  OR  Do you need just a little bit of help with a topic of study in Math?  Do you need help reviewing vocabulary for ELA?  Please sign up to be a peer tutor or to get a peer tutor! 
    Career Cafe-Van Wyck will be welcoming guest speakers throughout the year and having presentations on many different careers and doing a small group question and answer during study hall and lunch periods.  The school counselors will be extending invitations to as many students as possible who have availability in their schedules. 
    The School Counseling Office is offering support groups in the following areas:
    Buddy-Up Group or Buddy-Up Group Leader-The Buddy-Up Group is a way to help students that move into Van Wyck from a different schools; whether it be from across town or across the country; feel supported not only by teachers and staff but by their peers as well. Starting in a new school can be a challenging and overwhelming experience.  This group pairs our new students with students who have been at Van Wyck for a couple of years and offers building tours, instructions on how to read a schedule, and people to sit with at lunch until they become comfortable enough her on their own.  
    If you are interested in a group for your child print and fill out the permission slip on our home page and have your child bring it to the counseling office.  If you have questions please feel free to contact us at 845-227-1700 ext. 20008.