• Roy C. Ketcham High School

    The Living Environment


    Ms. Gorman


    • 3 ring binder & paper (just for biology) - no spiral notebooks or dividers needed
    • pen or pencil & highlighter
    • daily planner – to record your daily assignments


    • Must have proper heading with your first and last name (no name, no grade).
    • It is expected that assignments will be turned in ON TIME!
    • Are graded on a rubric scale of 5 to 1(5 = 100, 4 = 90, 3 = 80, 2 = 70, 1 = 60).
    • Homework coupons will be given as a reward system and can be used in lieu of a homework assignment only. They cannot be used on lab write-ups.
    • Laboratory write-ups are graded according to a rubric for that particular lab.
    • Are graded on a point scale and will vary depending upon the unit.


    • You will be compiling your own notebook and all handouts will be numbered for your convenience. Keep your notebook organized!!!!
    • Projects are linked to specific units and will be explained at that time.


    • Is always available after school, scheduled lunches or by appointment. Times and periods will be discussed the first week of class.


    • The text book will be used for both reading and written work. If it is lost, you will have to pay to replace the book. Your book should remain at home as there is a class set to be used in school.
    • 40% Tests and projects
    • 20% Quizzes
    • 25% Lab assignments
    • 15% Homework and class participation
    Averages will be updated as work is received and students will be informed of averages on a regular basis. NO STUDENT SHOULD BE UNAWARE OF HOW THEY ARE DOING IN SCIENCE!!
    • See me ASAP if you miss a lab, test and/or quizzes to make up.
    • Students are responsible to turn in their work previously assigned when you return from being absent unless other arrangements have been made with me. It is your responsibility to makeup missed work in a reasonable timeframe.  If you are not legally absent, then you will receive a zero for work missed during your absence.
    • You’ll soon learn that teamwork is the key to success in life and in my classroom. Respect my and others’ property.
    • I dismiss you…. Not the bell! Due to sharing rooms with other teachers, if the room is not returned to a clean position, then no one will be dismissed.
    • Cutting class will result in a zero for that day’s assignment.
    This is a full-year Regents course.  It is a comprehensive overview of the major areas of Biology:

    Science as a Process                                    Chemistry of Life (Biochemistry)

    Cell structure and function                          Genetics

    Evolution and Classification                       Plant and Animal Systems



    Throughout the year, students will be performing a series of activities and experiments that help them to explore the world of living things with practical everyday applications.
    Laboratory work is an important part of learning any science.  It is also a requirement for taking the NYS Regents exam. New York State will not let you take the Regents exam if you haven’t successfully completed the lab requirements of 1200 minutes.  Students will maintain a lab folder with all of their completed labs in the classroom as evidence of this NYS requirement.
    As we know, 9th grade can be a difficult transition for some students. They are given more independence and responsibilities, whether they can handle it or not. As parents, you need to take an active role in their academic progress by checking their homework daily and preparing them for tests, which enables them to develop skills that they will need to succeed.


    Please sign below to show that you have read this paper.


    Ms. Heather C. Gorman
    Parent/Guardian’s signature ______________________________________________________________
    Student’s signature ____________________________________________________________________
    E-mail:  heather.gorman@wcsdny.org    (e-mail contact is preferred)