Petersen, Kristin
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- Roy C. Ketcham High School
- Resource Room
Welcome to Resource Room
Resource Room Description
Resource room will help you to employ strategies that will enable you to be more successful in your mainstream classes. We will work on short and long-term assignments with the goal of enhancing your skills in all areas, but especially in any areas of weakness.
Resource Room is NOT a study hall.
The purpose of Resource Room is to address IEP goals and provide all necessary remediation. Contact will be made with your general education teachers throughout the year. This information will help us help you and keep the lines of communication open between students, teachers, and parents.
If you have testing modifications/accommodations, you will complete quizzes and tests during your resource period with me. You will need to put my name on top so your teachers will know to give them to me.
Resource Room Expectations
Be punctual. Be polite. Be prepared. Be productive. Be positive.
Respect the rights and dignity of others.
Always do your best.
All school and classroom rules as stated in the Code of Conduct apply.
Contact via phone or email is welcomed and highly encouraged. Teacher websites are also a great source of information and parents and students are invited to visit them on a regular basis.
I look forward to a great year.
If you need me, you can find me in the Special Education office (room 113),