• What we are learning at Oak Grove Elementary School
    Wellness Themes/Virtue Themes
    September-"Ready, Set, Exercise" Emphasize the importance of warm-up/cool down/ Respect
    October- "Family Fitness" Healthy Steps Program/Responsibility
    November- "Sportsmanship and Character Education"/ No Bullying
    December-"Channeling your Energies"-Relaxation & stress management/Honest and Trustworthiness
    January-"Healthy Habits" Healthy mind, body and hygiene/Fairness
    February-"Healthy Heart" Hoops/jump rope for heart/Caring/Kindness
    March-"Nutrition" Food Journals/ Integrity
    April- "No More Couch Potato"- TV turn off night/Perseverance
    May-"National Physical Fitness & Sports Month"/ Tolerance of Differences
    June-"Safety" Stranger/danger lessons throughout school/Courage
    K-2   Learning how to listen to directions. How to perform the fundamentals skills (run, walk, jump, hop, skip). Stopping and starting to music, finding your "own spot", not touching anyone, listening to teacher, staying in the boundaries. Kickball and Tee ball Demonstrate beginner level techniques of catching, throwing, and striking. Demonstrate beginner level skills in a modified game. 1. Be able to run and kick a stationary playground ball without stopping prior to the kick. 2. Be able to strike a stationary 6' ball off a tee using a bat using correct grip and side orientation. 3. Learn how to properly run the 4 bases.K-Working on throwing and catching a nerf ball standing and moving. Worked on throwing and catching with partner. Measure their underhand and overhand throw with a bean bag. Grades: 1-2-Working on throwing and catching a nerf ball. Working on throwing and catching a bean bag while traveling. Underhand throw bean bags to a partner and then underhand throw to score points with the rings.
    K-2: Working on beginner level techniques of catching, throwing, bouncing, a ball. Be able to bounce a playground ball with control. Be able to catch and throw objects of different shapes and sizes. Be able to pass the ball different ways to a partner. Be able to successfully participate in group games that require simple ball skills. Play fun games to be able to demonstrate knowledge and skills which better enable participation in group and team activities. (Examples: Variation of clean up your backyard (using throwing, catching, and shooting at different heights of basketball goals). These games will help them also recognize boundary lines during group activities, how to treat others with respect, and how to cooperate with others.
    Students will be able to move to a rhythm. -Create movement patterns (using body, time, space, and force). -Be able to move in a line and play circle games to a rhythm. (marching, YMCA, twist, chicken dance, bunny hop, follow the leader, hokey pokey, limbo, macarena, cotton eye joe, and the electric slide. -Be able to move objects to rhythm (lumni sticks, string, balls, rainbow ribbons, and beanbags).
    Speedstacking Unit.  Students working on eye-hand coordination.  Activating their left and right brain while forming different patterns with the cups.  
    Soccer Unit. Students will be able to demonstrate beginner level techniques of soccer. The students will be able to: 1. Being able to kick a stationary playground ball. 2. Being able to run and kick a stationary playground ball without stopping prior to the kick. 3. Being able to kick a slow rolling ball. 4. Being able to dribble a ball.5. Be able to trap, throw-in, and head a playground ball.Play games such as Sideline soccer and crab soccer Pin knock down- aiming to hit objects and learn how to stay on your side of the gym. Increases hand-eye coordination and throwing skills.
    Tag games: Holiday TAG, tisket a tasket, Don't let the beanbag get you, battleship tag, northwind/southwind tag, and team tag, toe tag, color tag, dice tag, pin tag, rock, paper, scissors tag, bridge tag, wiggle tag, high five tag, fitness tag, and pacman.Group Color tag game-working on chasing, fleeing, running, dodging, and tagging
    OPEN HOUSE PICTURE OF GYM (SEE PHOTOS).  Open Gym working at different stations in the gymnasium. (shuffle board disc, putt putt golf, tennis ball station, tee ball area, hockey, cargo net, scooters, climbing bars, balance board, floor hockey, bowling, tunnel, jump rope, pogo stick, stilts, pogo stick, throwing to pins, throwing football at target, monkey bars).
    Floor hockey- learning how to use a hockey stick while striking at a ball and/or puck on the ground.
    Gymnastics Unit Learning how to control your body and parts of you body. 1. Learning how to stay balanced in many positions on the floor. 2. Being able to support body weight for climbing, hanging, and momentarily taking weight on hands. 3. Learning how to roll in many different ways.
    Volleyball Unit-Be able to demonstrate beginner level techniques of volleyball 1. Be able to strike a ball repeatedly 2. Learn how to do a two handed set, bump (know where contact is made), underhand serve, play a modified game. Play game of Newcombe (ball cannot hit floor)
    Safety Program Unit. Throughout the year I will be working with Oak Grove students on the Kids and Company, Together for Safety program, which was developed by the Center for Missing and Exploited Children. There will be three safety lessons during the school year. First lesson will be day before Halloween, second lesson will be in March and third lesson will be in May. All the students will go to the gym instead of art, music or physical education. The special area teachers will all meet and talk to students about safety tips. Students will be taught how to use safety strategies to reduce the possibility of victimization from abduction and sexual abuse. If you have any questions or concerns relating to this program, please call me at the school
    Stranger/Danger Lessons. The three main things to remember to remain safe: 1. Check first 2. Buddy System 3. No-go tell DURING MUSIC CLASS STUDENTS WILL BE SINGING SONGS TO REMEMBER THE 3 RULES. WE WILL BE SENDING WORKSHEETS HOME FOR THEM TO WORK ON.
    Field Days - posted under Field day Link   *this is just a tentative outline of skills the students are learning.