Winter Sports Selection Classification Physical Fitness Test: All paperwork
must be completed prior to the test date to be eligible to complete the test. Selection
Classification packets- if you are 7th-8th grade trying out for the team- you will need to fill out a packet of info before the test date and have a school nurse physical.
Only those with all the paperwork and approvals complete will be tested.
Make sure you wear sneakers. For more info contact District Coordinator, Kurt Jesman at 845-298-5000 ext. 30095 7th and 8th graders have to pass the Shuttle Relay, Flexed Arm hang, 50 yard Dash, sit-ups, and standing long jump fitness test before trying out for a varsity sport.
If you are trying out for the gymnastics team, you must get a physical done by your school nurse
before try-outs in November to be considered for the Wappingers Gymnastics Team.
Please let any of your friends know who are interested.
Town of Wappingers Gymnastics -Saturday mornings in March 2024. Click Town Gymnastics icon for more details/flyer.
updated 9/2024