• Welcome to Second Grade! We are so excited to be your teachers. Below you will find a list of all the supplies you will need for the first day of school. 


    Enjoy the summer,


    The Second Grade Team 

    Ms. Segarra, Mrs. Manee, & Ms. Murray





    Supply List 

    Some materials will be stored in their supply boxes in their desks and some will be collected to be distributed as needed. Do not bring toys, electronics, trading cards, or any other items that are not appropriate for school. Supplies may need to be replenished throughout the school year.


    • 3 Dozen #2 Ticonderoga pencils - sharpened 

    • 1 box of colored pencils - Crayola (12 count) 

    • 2 box of crayons Crayola (24 count) 

    • 1 box of markers Crayola (8 count, thin) 

    • 2 Large Elmer's Glue Sticks 

    • 1 Package of Post-it note, size 3x3 

    • 2 Large erasers 

    • 8 Thin Expo Dry Erase Markers - Black Only - Low Odor Please 

    • 1 Pair of Fiskars blunt tip scissors 

    • 1- 5x8 Plastic Supply box

    • 6 Plain Plastic Pocket folders with prongs in the middle (Red, Orange, Yellow, Blue, Green, & Purple) 

    • 1 wide ruled notebook for writing

    • 2 Boxes of Tissues 

    • 1 Container of Lysol Disinfectant Wipes 

    • 1 Box of Ziploc Bags -Gallon

    • Earbuds or Headphones – For Personal Use With Computers