• Current Illness  



    "What's Going Around at School?"



    I get many phone calls from parents asking: “What’s going around at school?” In order to know what’s going around the school I need your help. Parents, when you call that your child is sick and will not be in school, please state a specific reason for the child’s absence. For example, sore throat, stomach virus, strep, fever is better than sick, not feeling well or no reason at all. Your help in this matter is greatly appreciated. in order to know “what’s going around at school."

     As always, parents, please keep your child home if fever is present at any time until your child is without fever (less than 100 degrees) for 24 hours.




     #1 - Please continue to call when your child is absent and please give a specific reason for the absence.
     #2 - Also, please state a specific reason for your child's absence (fever, stomach ache, strep, etc.) on the written absence note sent to school on the day your child returns. It does not help if you only state that your child was ill or not feeling well or under-the-weather. Please be as specific as possible. Thank you for your help.
Last Modified on August 30, 2018