- Gayhead Elementary School
- Welcome to Physical Education at Gayhead Elementary!
- Syllabus for Physical Education
Gayhead Elementary School Physical Education
Welcome to a fun-filled fitness school year and to our Gayhead PE webpage: https://www.wappingersschools.org/Page/2486
Classroom Expectations, Requirements, and Grading Procedures:1. Sneakers Only – must be flat and rubber-soled! Students are considered unprepared and may not participate if they do not have sneakers or if the footwear has elevated soles/heels, sandal backs, crocs, clogs, open toe/top, or slip-ons. Being unprepared will directly lower your PE grade.2. Clothing – appropriate for vigorous exercise. If wearing a dress/skirt please wear shorts, too.
3. Jewelry –NO watches, necklaces, bracelets, rings, etc. Only stud earrings may be worn.
4. Hair – long hair is required to be secured back with small clips or hair bands for many activities.
5. Goggles – will be required for safety precautions during certain activities. Parents who do not want their child to wear school goggles may purchase a pair on your own. These goggles will be kept in your child’s desk.
6. Homework – must be completed on time and has a direct effect on your PE grade. Examples include: a food journal, muscle of the month, written work, safety assignment, google classroom assignments, and…
7. Concepts and Skills – knowledge and performance of physical activities.
8. Physical Education Daily Behavior Rubric:
a) WALK into the Gym properly.b) Sit quietly and listen when the teacher is talking.c) Follow all the rules during an activity.d) Behave respectfully toward others and our equipment.e) Follow all the safety rules for the Gym.f) Always come prepared for Physical Education (sneakers tied, proper clothing, and no gum/food in mouth)g) Always fully participate with my best effort.Course Description, Areas of Study, and Assessment: see the Elementary District Syllabi / Course Handbook.Teacher Contact Information:
Mrs. Boccini bridget.boccini@wcsdny.org
Mr. Russo anthony.russo@wcsdny.org
Mr. Segarra jason.segarra@wcsdny.org