- Fishkill Elementary School
- Announcements
Sign up for PTA Weekly emails...Find out what is going on atFishkill Elementary.Be sure to add fishkill-elementary-pta@groupvine.com to your "safe" list.Messages cannot be received at the above address.
Have YOU joined PTA yet?Support our programs with your Membership!Research shows that children do better in schoolwhen their parents are involved.There are 2 ways to join:1. Join in Person - Sign up at any of our PTA meetings/events or print this membership form. Return your form to school with payment in a sealed envelope labeled PTA MEMBERSHIP.2. Join Online - While at our store, please consider adding a donation to support Every Frog at FES. A small transaction fee applies to online purchases/donations.Annual membership runs from September 30-October 1 (inclusive).
Upcoming PTA Meeting dates:A link to join virtually will be sent out as well. Be sure you are on our email list to get it.September 25GET THE LATEST PTA NEWS!Like us on Facebook: