Shrinsky, Genevieve
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- James S. Evans Elementary School
- Grading Policy
The Wappingers Central School District uses a standards-based report card to evaluate and report on the growth and achievement of all students in grades K-6.
Student’s academic progress will be evaluated using the following descriptors:
PS-Progressing Satifactiorally
PG-Progressing Gradually
PI- Progressing Inconsisently
Student grades will be determined using the following assessments:
Units of Study Pre & Post Assessments
Fountas & Pinnell Benchmark Assessment System
Running Records
Observations of class discussions
iReady assessment
On-Demand Performance Assessments for each unit of Study
Writing Rubrics
Utilization of the writing process
Observations of class discussions
Spelling Quizzes
Lesson quizzes
Unit Tests
iReady Comprehension Checks
iReady assessment
Science/Social Studies
Ability to work in a group