Welcome to 5th Grade
  • Google Classroom Codes

    Homeroom: g3xm72l 

    Writing Homeroom 23: bjwkc5d 

    Writing Homeroom 21: icszsuh 

    Writing Homeroom 22: 6zdovkk 

    Science Room 23: sunin4w 

    Social Studies Room 23: tiwhc45



  • To log into Google from home, you need to log in with your Firstname.Lastname@k12.wcsdny.org email address. 

    Example: firstname.kiernan@k12.wcsdny.org

    Your password has changed this year. All of my homeroom students have their password inside their blue take-home folder. All other classes' passwords were sent home with their class newsletter at the beginning of the school year. 

    Please email me at frances.kiernan@wcsdny.org if you need your password.  

  • Stay tuned for more information to come on Google Classroom!

  • Ms. Kiernan

    5th Grade Teacher

    Writing and Science/Social Studies

    Email: Frances.Kiernan@wcsdny.org

    Phone: (845) 298-5290