• Our Google Classroom has resources/materials for all of our subjects (phonics, reading, writing, math, science, and social studies). I will be adding more resources as the year progresses and as we learn new topics. 


    Google Login:
    Student Username/Email: firstname.lastname@k12.wcsdny.org

    Example: jane.smith@k12.wcsdny.org

    Student Password: (your child's password is glued on the inside of their home folder)

    Once you are logged into Google, click the “waffle” in the upper right corner and click the Google Classroom icon.

    If you need more support with logging into Google, please view this link.


    Clever Login:

    1. Sign into Google

    2. Go to: https://clever.com/in/wappingers

    After logging into Clever, your child will automatically be logged into i-Ready!


    i-Ready Login:
    1. Log into Google using your WCSD student Google account.
    2. Go into Clever and click "sign in with Google".
    3. Once you are in Clever, click on i-Ready.


    For Tang Math online educational games, use this link: https://tangmath.com/games 

    For Tang Math online manipulatives, use my access code: ale068


    Fun Learning for Kids: https://funlearningforkids.com/ 

    This is a FREE website that has print outs and Google Slides for foundational reading and math skills. 


    Toy Theater: https://toytheater.com/ 

    This is a FREE website with educational online games. Click on Math or Reading to access activities.