- Wappingers Central School District
- 2021-2022 Committees
District-Wide School Safety Committee
2021-2022 District-Wide School Safety Committee
The WCSD District Safety Committee shall meet at a minimum of once annually.
The public is welcome to attend these meetings.
Click here to view the District-wide Safety Committee Charter
3/3/22 Meeting:
Board of Education
John Lumia (ex-officio)
Michael McFarland
Keith Odums
James Spencer
Daren Lolkema, Assistant Superintendent for Compliance & Information Systems
Drew Dutcher
Carol Geldof
Raymond Rivera
Rob Rubin
Ben Shour
Denise Zaffuto
Ronald Broas
Lawrence Brooks
Keith Carielli
Michelle Costabile
Kristen Crandall
Tiffany Devincenzi
Lauren Hernandez
Glen Jensen
David Kedzielawa
Kathy Lieber
Thomas O'Hare
Harry Ramirez
Angelina Rooney
Debra Schwind
David Seipp
Terrence Thompson
School Safety Personnel
Michael Rahilly, Deputy Sheriff
Eric Vaughan, School Security Officer
Bruce White, SRO/EF Police Officer
Recording Clerk
Maria Stufano, Confidential Assistant