District-Wide School Safety Committee

2019-2020 District-Wide School Safety Committee 


The WCSD District Safety Committee shall meet at a minimum of once annually.

The public is welcome to attend these meetings. 

Click here to view the District-wide Safety Committee Charter



Wednesday, January 15, 2020

4:00 p.m. - District Office Boardroom


Agenda - January 15th Agenda


Minutes - January 15, 2020 Minutes





Board of Education

John Lumia (ex-officio) 

Keith Odums

Linda Rappaport

James Spencer



Daren Lolkema, Assistant Superintendent for Compliance & Information Systems



Tricia Clauser

Drew Dutcher

Robert Faust

Debbie Gleeson

Walter Hogan

Kathy Lieber

Darrell Nansen

Thomas Nastasi, Jr.

Raymond Rivera

Ben Shour

Denise Zaffuto



Lawrence Brooks

Keith Carielli

Michelle Costabile

Patricia Dantono

Tiffany Devincenzi

Lauren Hernandez

Glen Jensen

Jennifer LaFalce

Stacy Marshall

Cristina Muratore

Patricia Nardone

Thomas O'Hare

Harry Ramirez

Angelina Rooney

Cherylynn Said

Debra Schwind

David Seipp

Terrence Thompson


School Safety Personnel

Eric Vaughn, East Fishkill Police Officer

Kristi Wilson, NYS Trooper


Recording Clerk

Maria Stufano, Administrative Assistant