May 16, 2020: 4.82% Tax Levy Increase

From: budget wcsd <>
Date: Wed, May 20, 2020 at 6:54 AM
Subject: Re: 4.82% Tax Levy Increase
To: Victor Karlsson <>

Thank you again for your email.
The application of existing fund balance is a possibility in 2020-2021 but that was not something that the current Board of Education was in favor of.
However our best estimates of fund balance at 6/30//2020 are just that - rough estimates.  The idea of utilizing a fund balance to balance a budget in a year when the high probability that future years will be even worse is the basis for our thinking.  Fund balance only goes so far so we are attempting to long term plan the best that we can in an environment that is filled with so many unknowns.
Take care 


On Sat, May 16, 2020 at 7:49 AM Victor Karlsson <> wrote:
I see no additional fund balance being applied in the contingency budget to lower the tax levy, with the entirety of the extended-closure surplus moving into fund balance.  The explanation given in the district's recent update is untrue: surplus funds move immediately into fund balance at year-end and can be appropriated to reduce the 2020-21 tax levy.
In a normal year, the prospect of a contingency budget would motivate parents and resident staff members to rally support for the budget.  This year, the prospect of a contingency budget has a high probability of becoming a reality because there are far more residents without any ties to the district than parents and resident staff members.  
It is going to be incredibly easy for the overwhelming majority of non-parent/non-staff residents to vote NO, especially with a 4.8% tax levy increase.  I understand it does not make sense to go below the tax cap from a long range financial planning viewpoint, but this year is about politics/optics as much as it is finances.
The choice may be between a medium sized cut now to get the tax levy down to, say 2% (which is generally acceptable), or a very large cut to get the tax levy down to 0% in a contingency budget.  I'm very afraid that the budget will not pass and my kids will suffer the consequences for the next 10+ years during the recovery.
I understand you are all very busy at this time, so I am not requesting a response.  Be well and good luck!

On Sat, May 9, 2020 at 7:28 AM budget wcsd <> wrote:
Thank you for your email.
The District has been working to decrease the budget for 2020-2021 and will provide this presentation on Monday evening 5/11/2020.  Included in the presentation slides are the details of the 2020-2021 budget inclusive of the cuts made to achieve a balanced budget.  Additionally we share on what the future predictions for NYS School Aid appear to be AND what a contingency budget looks like for WCSD.  
Yes we certainly agree on the importance of sharing information and informing the public.  This is a must and work is being done in this area as well.  
Thank you again for your email and support.  Please take care
Kristen Crandall

On Thu, May 7, 2020 at 11:30 AM Victor Karlsson <> wrote:
Good morning,
I am concerned about the 4.82% Tax Levy increase.  I think with an Absentee Ballot process, residents will be more inclined to vote "NO" at first glance based on their misconception of the "Tax Cap".

It would be helpful to know what factors contributed to the large increase, which appear to be an increase in Capital Debt and probably a decrease in Building Aid.  The increase in Capital Debt should be better explained in the Budget Notice/Newsletter (improvements to safety and the learning environment).  The taxpayers should also be reminded that they already approved this debt in a previous referendum vote (when?).
And finally, everyone needs to know the implications of a "NO" vote and the prospects of a contingency budget... the debt obligations remain the same, but program/staffing are cut tremendously.
Good luck!
Victor Karlsson