May 17, 2020: Where do we vote on this?

From: budget wcsd <>
Date: Wed, May 20, 2020 at 6:56 AM
Subject: Re: Where do we vote on this
To: Melissa Seideman <>

Thank you for your email.  you will be receiving a postcard with information on voting for the WCSD budget.
If you are a registered voter than you will be receiving the postcard and the ballot in the mail.  If not and you need to get registered please email
Thank you and take care

On Sun, May 17, 2020 at 4:42 PM Melissa Seideman <> wrote:
How do we vote for the school budget? Can we request an absentee ballot? Where do we do that? Thank you. We’re a supporter public schools and you’ll need these votes.

Melissa Seideman

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