Public Comments from May 11, 2020 Board of Education Meeting

Public Comments from May 11, 2020 Board of Education Meeting

1. Don Long - Why the increase in the 20-21budget

A: Please see detailed below.

2.  Donald Long - What justify a increase in the 20-21 budget after the savings of resources due to present virus ie...fuel.electic utilities 

2A:  Thank you for your comments.  

The 2020-2021 Wappingers CSD annual budget is the spending plan that includes many areas and functions.  Some are instructional while others are non-instructional - however all are relevant to the operations of the school district.  These areas include salaries and the related benefits, contractual expenses, and supplies.  

Every year the budget is broken down by areas that are non-negotiable (ie: NYS mandated expenses for retirement, various insurances, student tuition payments, salaries secured by bargaining units and the associated benefits, expenses related to District debt payments, etc.), somewhat negotiable (ie: professional development, contracted services at the building level, etc.) and negotiable (ie: supplies, equipment, leases of equipment, etc.) as evidenced on slide 7 in the Superintendent's Recommended Budget presentation from 5/11/2020.  ($file/May%2011%2C%202020%20SRB.pdf 

As part of the budgetary process, the somewhat negotiable and negotiable areas are reviewed.  Reductions in these two areas of the budget were made for 2020-2021.  The work continues and we believe that State funding has yet to be finalized with potential reductions to be made throughout the 2020-2021 school year.

We  do anticipate seeing savings from the school shut down but we also expect increased costs as well.  As we move through this Extended Pause as mandated from NYS, essential functions do continue in our school buildings.  We are not shut down.  These include Continuity of Learning, Distribution of Meals, and Childcare.  

We must continue the upkeep to our buildings and grounds as we prepare for the upcoming school year both instructional and non-instructional.  We are carefully watching what this pandemic means for WCSD financially and what effect it will have on future budgets. Any savings that were to occur during this present school year will have a greater impact on the 2021-2022 school year since it will roll over in the Fund Balance.

We encourage you to review the District’s budget webpage for information as it becomes available at

We hope that we have provided information that helps you with your questions.   

3. Dawn Dragonetti
Here to attend the Budget Meeting 2020-2021 School Year

3A:  Thank you for your comments and for viewing the live stream of the May 11 Board of Education meeting. We encourage you to continue to visit the budget webpage and board of education meetings.