Archived Budget Information
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- Wappingers Central School District
- 2020-2021 Budget
May 7, 2020: I am concerned about the 4.82% Tax Levy increase.
The District has been working to decrease the budget for 2020-2021 and will provide this presentation on Monday evening 5/11/2020. Included in the presentation slides are the details of the 2020-2021 budget inclusive of the cuts made to achieve a balanced budget. Additionally, we share on what the future predictions for NYS School Aid appear to be AND what a contingency budget looks like for WCSD.
Yes, we certainly agree on the importance of sharing information and informing the public. This is a must and work is being done in this area as well.
Thank you again for your email and support. Please take care
Kristen Crandall
On Thu, May 7, 2020 at 11:30 AM Victor Karlsson <> wrote:
Good morning,I am concerned about the 4.82% Tax Levy increase. I think with an Absentee Ballot process, residents will be more inclined to vote "NO" at first glance based on their misconception of the "Tax Cap".
It would be helpful to know what factors contributed to the large increase, which appear to be an increase in Capital Debt and probably a decrease in Building Aid. The increase in Capital Debt should be better explained in the Budget Notice/Newsletter (improvements to safety and the learning environment). The taxpayers should also be reminded that they already approved this debt in a previous referendum vote (when?).And finally, everyone needs to know the implications of a "NO" vote and the prospects of a contingency budget... the debt obligations remain the same, but program/staffing are cut tremendously.Good luck!Victor Karlsson