- Wappingers Central School District
- 2018-2019 Committees
District-Wide School Safety Committee
2018-2019 District-Wide School Safety Committee
Meeting Dates
The WCSD District Safety Committee shall meet at a minimum of once annually.
The public is welcome to attend these meetings.
Click here to view the District-wide Safety Committee Charter
Next meeting:
Thursday, May 30, 2019, at 4:00 p.m. at Roy C. Ketcham HS in Room 214/Maker's Space
During the DW Safety Committee meeting, the committee reviewed the recommended changes/amendments to the proposed 2019-20 Safety Plan.
Board of Education
Paul Galletta
Peggy Kelland (ex-officio)
Linda Rappaport
James Spencer
Drew Dutcher
Debbie Gleeson
Darrell Nansen
Thomas Nastasi
Denise Zaffuto
Daren Lolkema, Assistant Superintendent for Compliance & Information Systems
Angelina Alvarez-Rooney, Principal, Oak Grove ES
Lawrence Brooks, School Psychologist
Keith Carielli, School Psychologist
Kim Catalano, Transportation Supervisor
Michelle Costabile, Teacher
Pat D'Antono, Teacher
Tiffany Devincenzi, Teacher
Syndie Goldsetin, Principal, Myers Corners ES
Lauren Hernandez, Principal, James S. Evans ES
Glen Jensen, Teacher
Jennifer LaFalce, Teacher
Stacy Marshall, Guidance Counselor
Christina Muratore, Teacher
Patricia Nardone, Teacher
Tom O'Hare, Teacher
Harry Ramirez, Teacher
Cherylynn Said, Teacher
Dave Seipp, Principal, Roy C. Ketcham HS
Terrence Thompson, Principal, Wappingers Junior High
School Safety Personnel
Eric Vaughn, East Fishkill Police Officer
Kristi Wilson, NYS Trooper
Recording Clerk
Maria Stufano, Administrative Assistant