April 4, 2018

Q:  "Can you kindly let me know as to what questions are included in budget vote in May 14?"

A:  The vote on May 15, 2018 will include a budget proposal, a capital project referendum and a school vehicle purchase.  This information is still being finalized and will be available in its final form on the District's website.  Current versions and presentations for the upcoming school year are available on the District's website at https://www.wappingersschools.org/domain/2402

Q:  "I would like to see some physical safety measures like maybe a metal detectors for safety of our kids and was hoping if I could say yes to that option.  Maybe it'll be a part of the capital project referendum?"

A:  The District is actually already in the approval stage with NYS for the construction/addition of security vestibules for every school building entryway. We are using Smart Schools Bond Act (SSBA) dollars from NYS for this project. This has been in process for approximately 18 months from design to NYS approval. We are hopeful to bid this work later this spring. Metal detectors are not in the upcoming capital project.

Q:  Will it be something like how they use at subway stations?  Or more advanced--each student will have to go through these with back bags.  Do they scan for something? 

A:  The students would have access at the beginning and of the school day as a staff person would be holding the door ajar. During the day visitors would be in the isolated space prior to admittance to the building...while the driver's license is checked etc.