Wappingers Girls Lacrosse
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- John Jay High School
- Workouts
Conditioning 2019
To be done on your own...
if you have questions, ask. Do not do these workouts if you are unsure.
Aerobic Conditioning - 2019
Begin with a Dynamic Warm up - Similar to our pre-game, pre-practice - 10 to 15 yards
Skipping, walking knee to chest, walking lunges with rotation, side lunges, open the gate/close the gate, walk on toes, walk on heels, high knees, butt kicks, backward jog, 1/2 speed sprint, full sprint
Always end with Cool down and stretch
Workout 1. 35 miinute Run @ 65-85% of Max HR - (Max HR is 204 for 16 year old). Keep Track of distance run in 35 minutes. Cool down by walking or light jogging, then stretch.
Workout 2. 1 mile timed run. Get a base line. Do not lie to yourself or others. Keep track.
Workout 3. 1600 m tempo run (80-90% intensity) - 100m, 200m, 300m, 200m, 300m, 200m, 200n, 100m; Rest 15 seconds after each 100m, 30 seconds after each 200m, and 45 seconds after each 300m.
Workout 4. 45 minute run @ 65-80% Max HR. Keep track of distance.
Workout 5. 1.5 mile timed run. Keep track.
Workout 6. 2000 meter Temp run (80-90% intensity) - 100, 200, 300, 200, 200, 300, 200, 100, 200, 100, 100; Rest 15 seconds after each 100m, 30 seconds after each 200m, and 45 seconds after each 300m.
Speed Work/Agilities/Intervals - 2019
Begin with a Dynamic Warm up - Similar to our pre-game, pre-practice - 10 to 15 yards
Skipping, walking knee to chest, walking lunges with rotation, side lunges, open the gate/close the gate, walk on toes, walk on heels, high knees, butt kicks, backward jog, 1/2 speed sprint, full sprint
Always end with Cool down and stretch
Workout 1.
Falling Sprints - 50 yards x10 (30 seconds rest between) - Start on your tip toes and fall forward into a sprint as you accelerate.
Shuffle 10 yards facing left, turn and sprint 30 yards x5 then face right x5 (Rest 30 seconds between sprints)
Backpedal 10 yards, turn and sprint 30 yards x8 (Rest 30 seconds between)
Shuttle sprints x 2 - Goal line to 5yd line then back, 10, 15, 20, 25 - Time should be under 1 minute. Rest 1:30 between shuttles
Workout 2.
Short shuttles x3 - Goal line to 5, 10, 15 (Time under 30 seconds); Rest 1 minute between
Sprints: 50 yards x6 with 30 sec rest between; 30 yards x8 with 20 seconds rest between; 15 yards x10 with 10 seconds rest between
Short Shuttles x3 - Goal line to 5, 10, 15
Workout 3.
100 yard ladder - Sprint 100 yards, jog back, Sprint 90 yards, jog back, Sprint 80 yards, job back...etc Rest 3 minutes
300 yard shuttle - Sprint 25 yards x12 - keep time - should be under 1:30 - continuous running. Increase by 1 25 yard sprint each time you do this workout but keep the same time - under 1:30.
Workout 4.
Manchester practice. 12x200s Sprint 100 yards under 25 seconds, jog back in 35 seconds. REPEAT 12xs Maintain your pace.
Workout 5. Track intervals. Run 1 mile x3 reps. Sprint the straight-aways, jog the turns for 4 laps. Rest 1 minute. Repeat. Keep track of time. It should decrease over time.
Workout 6. Jog/squat. Run for 30 minutes. On the minute, every minute, do 5 air squats, then run again. Intensity should be 50-65% - you should be able to talk to your running partner.
Bike workouts
Cross training is important. Your school has bikes. Use them.
Workout 1. Warm up
4 miles in 12 minutes, Level 8-10 on bike, then cool down at 60-70 RPM for 3 miutes. 2 miles in 6 minutes Level 6-8, Cool down at 60-70 RPM. 1 mile in 3 minutes. 5 minutes cool down pedal.
Workout 2. Warm up
30 minute interval - :30 second sprint, 1:30 medium pace for all 30 minutes. Cool down 5 minute pedal
Upper Body Circuit - 3 sets, Max reps until fatigue; rest 1 minute between exercises
pull ups/chin ups
Bench dips
Push ups - knees, elevated or full
Side arm raises - 5-15 pound dumbells
Wrist flex - 5 pound plates
Lower Body Circuit - 3x10 reps
Workout 1.
squat jump
lateral cone jumps
Workout 2.
Lateral lunges
Single leg step ups on bench, each side
Wall sit - 45 seconds
Core Strengthening - 3x10 reps
Workout 1.
Supine toes to bar/bench (toes/heels do not touch floor)
Heels to heaven
Hollow holds, 30 seconds
Workout 2.
Flutter kicks
Plank hold - 45 seconds
Russian twists - 10# plate
sit ups with 10#plate - touch overhead to toes