



"Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much." Helen Keller

WATCH THIS VIDEO about Wall Ball Technique - http://www.playsportstv.com/girls-lacrosse/girls-lacrosse-basics_wall-ball-technique  
WALL BALL jump rope - 5 minutes
Starting the 21 Day Wall Ball Challenge... we will do ONE WEEK Over the Rivers - 1 minute each: lay down your stick. 1) jump forward and back 2)jump left to right
Go here: http://www.onestoplacrosse.com/lacrosse-wall-ball-drills/ 3)fast feet Left leading (step Left then right forward, left then right back) 4) fast feet, right leading REPEAT ALL 4 3x
Watch the videos and follow the drills for each day starting with Video 1 Main set
10-30 minutes EVERY DAY 40 seconds mountain climbers
Email me your favorite drill from this week. 20 seconds recovery
I know these are for Boys lacrosse but we can benefit from them... a lot! 40 seconds burpees
  20 seconds recovery
Again... Watch the videos then do the drills EVERY DAY 40 seconds jumping lunges
  20 seconds recovery
Email me what you think makes the best wall ball routine! REPEAT ENTIRE SET 5 times - Total time: 15 minutes
  Cool Down: