How to Contact & Visit Our Schools

Welcome to Wappingers Central School District

Parents or families interested in learning more about Wappingers Central School District can arrange tours with their neighborhood school. Please view the listing below to contact the school in your neighborhood to share your interest in learning more about their building.

Between September and June, if you are looking for information to register your Kindergarten child, please contact your neighborhood school. During July and August, please contact Central Registration at 845-298-5000 ext. 40132 to schedule an appointment. 

To begin the registration process visit our web page.

Click on the name of the school to visit their web page. 

Elementary Schools (Grades K-6) 

Brinckerhoff 845-897-6800
16 Wedgewood Rd

Fishkill, NY 12524

Fishkill 845-897-6780
20 Church Street
Fishkill, New York 12524

Fishkill Plains 845-227-1770
17 Lake Walton Road
Wappingers Falls, NY 12590

Gayhead 845-227-1756
15 Entry Road
Hopewell Junction, NY 12533

James S. Evans 845-298-5240
747 Sergeant Palmateer Way
Wappingers Falls, NY 12590

Kinry Road 845-463-7322
58 Kinry Road
Poughkeepsie, NY 12603

Myers Corners 845-298-5260
156 Myers Corners Road
Wappingers Falls, NY 12590

Oak Grove 845-298-5280
40 Kerr Road
Poughkeepsie, NY 12601

Sheafe Road 845-298-5290
287 Sheafe Road
Wappingers Falls, NY 12590

Vassar Road 845-463-7860
174 Vassar Road
Poughkeepsie, NY 12603


Junior High Schools (Grades 7 & 8)

Van Wyck JHS 845-227-1700
10 Hillside Lake Road
Wappingers Falls, NY 12590

Wappingers JHS 845-298-5200
30 Major Mcdonald Way
Wappingers Falls, NY 12590


High Schools (Grades 9-12)

John Jay 845-897-6700
2012 NY-52
Hopewell Junction, NY 12533

Roy C. Ketcham 845-298-5100
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 359
Wappingers Falls, NY 12590
99 Myers Corners Road
Wappingers Falls, NY 12590

Orchard View Alternative 845-298-5000
25 Corporate Park Drive
Hopewell Junction, NY 12533


Board of Education Adopted June 20, 2016

To promote effective communication between the citizens of the community and the school system, the Board of Education encourages parents and other citizens to visit their schools periodically during the course of the school year.

The Superintendent of Schools is authorized to establish such regulations at will:

1. encourage visitors to observe district schools;
2. provide for appropriate hospitality for visitors;
3. channel expressions of approval as well as constructive criticisms to the Board; and
4. ensure that such visits will enhance the effect of the educational program rather than hinder it.

In an effort to maintain a safe and healthy educational environment, all visitors to the district must sign-in at the Main Office/lobby of the building visited, and be issued a visitor’s permit which must be displayed at all times. Visitors are expected to comport themselves in a manner that does not disrupt the academic process and in accordance with the law and the district's Code of Conduct.

The Board recognizes that many visitations that will occur are regularly scheduled events, e.g., parent-teacher organization meetings, public gatherings, registering of pupils, etc. There are also occasions when parents or guardians desire to visit their child's classroom at other than regularly scheduled times. When such visitations occur, they shall be made on the basis of a defined need and shall be made only with the approval of the Principal. The Board views these visits as constructive; however, no such visit shall be permitted to interfere with the educational process. Persons who are not students or staff of that school shall report immediately to the school office/lobby upon entering a school building. Persons other than parents, guardians, students or staff, who desire to visit a school building, shall do so only with the permission of an appropriate administrative staff member.

Student visitors from other schools, unless they have a specific reason and prior approval of the Superintendent of Schools, and his/her designee shall not be given permission to enter school buildings. New students accompanied by their parents are always welcome.

Visits to school buildings are to be in accordance with the Board regulations posted in conspicuous places. A violation of the visitation policy shall be prosecuted pursuant to New York State law.


  • 5450.1, Notification of Releases of Sex Offenders by the Division of Parole
  • 8135, Safe Schools
  • Code of Conduct


  • Education Law §§1708; 2801