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Intramurals are a fun opportunity for students to participate in sports and games outside of their Physical Education class!


Students sign up for activities as they are offered. A new permission slip is required for each activity. Students may sign up for any number of the activities offered throughout the year.


Intramurals are held on Tuesday afternoons - 3:25-4:20pm


4th, 5th, and 6th Grade Students


1.     Intramural activities are announced in PE class approximately two weeks before an activity begins. At this time your child will receive a permission slip in their teacher’s mailbox to bring home. Extra permission slips are available on the bulletin board in the gym hallway. 

2.     No confirmation of enrollment will be sent home.  Instead, students are encouraged to hand in their permission slips at the start of the school day.

3.     The Health Office is not open during intramural activities.  Please fill out pertinent information on permission slips if your child has special medical needs.   

5.     Please direct all intramural questions to me by sending an email to