• Welcome to the RCK Library Media and Innovation Center
    To reach our on-line catalog please visit: http://wrckhs.opals.wappingersschools.org/bin/home

    Need a book to read for a class or just for fun?  There are a few ways to get one:

    1. You can check out an e-book through SORA – just go to Soraapp.com and log in with your school email address. You can read the book on your browser, on your phone or download to a device.


    1. You can check out a physical book through the online catalog (OPALS). Go to the Ketcham library website and sign in with your school email.  Put a request in for that book and we will deliver it to you in your homeroom (1st period).


    ANY questions, please email me at larissa.luciano@wcsdny.org or stop by the library and ask me!