Welcome To Myers Corners Elementary School Speech-Language Therapy
Dear Students and Parents -
Welcome to the 2023-2024 school year!!! It promises to be a very exciting year in the Speech Therapy Department at Myers, with the addition of two new therapists, Miss Lebitsch and Ms Wagner. The three of us are working together, as a team, to insure the very best service delivery for our students at Myers.
As many of you are aware, I am now using Class Dojo for a rewards incentive program and for a way to be in contact with parents about what is going on in therapy. As always, you can reach me by email: barbara.vorel@wcsdny.org or by telephone: 845-298-5260 ext 16212. I am usually available to take phone calls between 11:00-11:40 AM or 12:40-1:25 PM. Please reach out with any questions or concerns.
Barbara A Vorel, MA, LSLP
Licensed Speech-Language Pathologist